
Creative Thinking-Necessity is the mother of invention!-2

Creative Thinking-Necessity is the mother of invention!-2 Most of the thinking thath we all have done in our formal education processgives importance to the skills of analyzing - understanding claims, following or creating a logical argument,finding out the answer,eliminating th incorrect choices and arriving at the right option,etc. this is different from another kind of thinking,which emphasizes on exploring ideas ,generating possibilities, and looking for many right answers rather than just one.Both these kinds of thinking are necessary to succeed in career and in life , but the secound kind of thinking is usually ignored until we complete acquiring all our educational qualifications!   what is creativity?    A simple definition of creativity can be that it is the ability to imagine or invent something new.This does not mean that we need to create something out of nothing,but we should be able to generate new ideas by combining,changing,or reapplying existing ideas. Some crea

Creative Thinking-Necessity is the mother of invention!

Creative Thinking-Necessity is the mother of invention!   All of us have been thought a clear education system that aims at enhancing our knowledge,skills and abilities.And,one important skill that's very essential in today's competitive world is: " creativity " .Lets take an example to understand this term better. In US resturants,a long time ago,there used to be waitresses who were required to take the others form the customers and communicate  them to cooks / chefs in the kitchen.During peak times,due to the presure from the customers, the waitresses use to shout at chefs to deliver the food items and dish items faster.And sometimes,there used to be a lot of confusion and argument whenever a dish was forgotten either by waitress or the cook.To avoid this, one of the person in the restaurent cme up with an idea: The waitresses will not shout the orders at the cooks,but will write down the order of the customer on the paper and pin it up on the board,from where t

Team Working Skills -The Important soft skills is Team Working Skills

  Team Working Skills -The Important soft skills is Team Working Skills. "Coming together is beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success" such as beautiful quote described by the Henry Ford. The team working skills involves team roles and their characteristics, Its the best discussion on this soft skill and pave way to completely different skill altogether. With rapid strides in science and technology,today we keep listening about innovations that never seemed possible,like the cars that drive themselves in heavy traffic,electronic robots that act as lifeguards in the form of video games.yet,man is a social animal, and hence cannot overcome the need for interaction and being part of team.Imagine if you were to wake up to marrow morning only to know that there isno other human in the entire planet and you are the only one left to rule it - would not life be a waste? Thus , the need for being part of team would continue to exist and drive humani

feel comfortable..feel good..feel the blossom of success

feel comfortable..feel good..feel the blossom of success..!  Most students waste their class life simply because they don't give up their nervousness...why nervous..does this cause big thing..? ..whith these techniques,you will be able to feel comfortable in your schools and other social situations.Master the simple principle set out here if you want to stand up for yourself.  The answer is simple.Go to the class well prepared.preparation is the key to meet the situation and handle the wil not fumble or lack in confidence if you are sure of the overall information of this topic this will make you sure about the movement you face.Remember that even the most spontaneous sounding talks are result of many hours of hard work and rework. if you have prepared a topic well,you will have no hesitaion in approaching the professor.see the note in your hands for any assistance. Once you are prepared for a situation,you are 50 percent of the way towards overcoming nervousness t

specific goal setting

In this post i will give you breif idea about goal setting. To ensure that you succeed in achiving yourgoals write down SMART goals. smart people always set SMART goals.             S : specific            M : measurable            A : attainable            R : realistic            T : time-bound Our  goals should be consists of all of the above, then it is called as a smart goal. the goals that you write down should be clear,straight and should clarify in vivid terms what you want to achieve.'specific' refers to the "what,why and how " of the SMART concept of writing the goals. A specific goal has much greater chance of being accompished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "wh" questions: who,what,where,when,which,why. Is your goal measurable? A measurable goal is one which easily be evaluated as completed when it is done.The measurable goals are specific,quantifiable - there is always a numerical measure attach

Every body is energetic.....every student has strength..!

Every body is energetic..every student has strength.! Every person has strength and different kinds of skills from birth.every person is energetic believe it.. Only some persons reaches to higher stage. why? why means they are utilizing their resources & energy they are achieving every thing as their desired. The others are not doing like that so they are facing failures. The students are facing many problems these days.they are unable to solve their problems themselves and they are struggling for that,they are not awareness and experience of problems and as a result they are spoiling their lives. the kinds of problems they face such as the problems caused at home,their self problems and problems from the society. If once a student thinks that he can't do any thing,he has no skill to complete that task then he never do it and with this mind set he never become a achiever. All the matters here which decides the success and failure is the +ve and -ve

Remember always to smile-Keep smiling.!

What is the best quality needed to a presenter? what was the power which attracts audience and sends our message? how can we make audience feel our speech? The answer for the above three questions is: Our smile. Remember always to smile-Keep smiling.! This is because 'smile is considered to be part of your attire! Moreover,if you smile at your audience and look relaxed,they will react warmly to you.they treat that you are very friendly.One great strategy many famous orators use is they confess to the audience that they are nervous!this makes the audience very sympathetic.They know how you are feeling. Their is a great quote that " The human body is truly fascinating there are some I could watch at all day" .This is the method of actual delivery of your presentation. During the entire duration of your interaction with the audience,what ever you say and whatever you demonstrate or display, the focus of the audiences attention will be you.