Tactics For Group Study - learn faster and longer

Tactics For Group Study - learn faster and longer. I f you want to learn faster and lon ger , form a good group of like minded students of similar attitudes and stream of study. A study group can be helpful when you are trying to learn information and concepts and preparing for class discussions and tests. You should learn about how to start and run a successful study group. Also, be sure to know about the possible pitfalls of a study group. Benefits from Group Study.! A study group can be beneficial in many ways.A support group can "pick you up" when you find the motivation to study in slipping. The other group members can be a source of encouragement. You may become more committed to study because the group members are depending on your presentation and participation. You will not want to let them down. Group members will listen and discuss information and concept during the study sessions . These activities ass a strong auditory dimension to your l...