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More than one widget was found with id: HTML4. Widget IDs should be unique. how to solve

More than one widget was found with id: HTML4. Widget IDs should be unique. how to solve the actual problem for the "More than one widget was found with id: HTML4. Widget IDs should be unique." error is the widget id should in unique in the html templete.. for that just go to the Blog--> Templete --> Edit HTML --> Jump to Widget here in the drop down menu of the Jump to Widget.. we find the two widgets of same widget id-> now change any one of the widget id and make it unique id and then save the templete.. the templete will not be saved untill the the "More than one widget was found with id: HTML4. Widget IDs should be unique." is solved so... Follow the above steps and solve the problem as soon as possible...Happy Blogging...!

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Mastering Oracle PL / SQL : Practical Solutions File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat At least part of the problem is that the majority of PL / SQL books are only about syntax. They'll show you how to code PL / SQL so that it will compile and execute ... plsql /.../sample2174ch2-129586. pdf O'Reilly Oracle PL SQL Programming V3.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Oracle PL / SQL , Third Edtion. Page 2 ways) to handle just about any task. It is our hope that this book will help you learn how to use the. PL / SQL language in the ... O'Reilly%20Oracle%20PL%20 SQL %20Programming%20V3.pdf PL / SQL User's Guide and Reference - Oracle Documentation File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat PL / SQL User's Guide and Reference, 10g Release 1 (10.1). Part No. B10807- .... How This Book Is Organized. .... Understanding the Main Features of PL / SQL .

Inactive Account Manager in Google Account settings page - what happens digital assets when you when we die or become incapacitated

Inactive Account Manager in Google Account settings  page - what happens digital assets when you when you die or become incapacitated . What happens when you die? We're not talking theology here or trying to sell you life insurance. We are talking about digital assets when you when you die or become incapacitated Inactive Account Manager in Google Account settings  page - what happens digital assets when you when we die or become incapacitated To the rescue comes Google, which has been known to have a few other good ideas. It is launching a new feature that makes it easier for you to instruct Google on what should happen to your digital assets when you die or become incapacitated. The feature is called Inactive Account Manager and it is now available on  your Google Account settings page. "You can tell us what to do with your Gmail messages and data from several other Google services if your account becomes inactive for any reason," said  Andreas Tuerk,