
Needs & Features of a Successful Study Group

Needs & Features of a Successful Study Group: Goal..! Decide on the goals of the study group. Goals can include comparing and updating notes,discussing readings , and preparing for exams. Have a Leader..! Decide who the leader will be for the first study session. also decide whether it will be the same person each session or whether there will be a rotating leader. The leader of a study session should be responsible for meeting the goals of that study session. Agenda..! clearly decide the agenda for the first study session and the responsibilities of each grou member for that session. Have Data..! develop a list of all group members that includes their names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. make sure each group member has this list and update the list as needed. Features of a successful study group Once started, a study group should possess the following characteristics to be successful: each group member contributes to discussions. group members activity li

Start a Study Group

  start a study group: study groups don't just happen. Here is what you should do to get a study group started: Get to know classmates by talking to them before class,during breaks,and after class. when selecting a classmate to join your study group, you should be able to answer YES for each of the following questions: is this classmate motivated to do well? Does the classmate understand the subject matter? is this classmate dependable? would this classmate be tolerant of the ideas of others? would you like to work with this classmate?  invite enough of these classmates to work with you in a study group until you have formed a group of three to five. A larger group may allow some members to avoid responsibility,may lead to cliques, and may make group management more of an issue than learning. Frequency is important: Decide how often and for how long you will meet . Meeting two or three times a week are probably best. if you plan a long study session,make sure you includ