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how to fill the generation gap in the work place..

i had read and studied about this problem from other sources, i am impressed with this topic ,so i decided to write an article about this topic.. the generation gap in the work places like offices & companies etc.,most of the business is facing this kind of problem..In this modern business world, the companies are widely spreading their companies and increasing their employs . every company should pay attention on filling the generation gap among them . Their will be different people with different ages such as employees in the age group of 45 to 65, employees in the age group of 30 to 45 , employees of age 20.. It's very obvious that these employees will have their own sets of mind, and because of that they will clash with each other due to the differences in values, ideas and work how to fill the generation gap in the work place..? some research shows, in an organization, employees interact on the basis of their upbringing, values and ideas.different generations